Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Is Fishiness Afoot in Redistricting Reform in Illinois?

Was there something fishy going on when the state board of elections raised questions about whether the redistricting reform campaign had enough valid signatures to get on the November ballot? The effort is over for now, but it will return so studying it and improving it will be key.

William J. Cadigan, a lawyer for the Yes for Independent Maps campaign, shared how some parts of Illinois election law can seem incongruent with the democratic process.

To run for the highest, statewide offices in the Land of Lincoln, you're required to collect the signatures of 5,000 registered voters. But to get a citizen-generated question on the ballot, you're required to collect nearly 300,000 registered voters' signatures. Really? Really.

Plus, the rules for checking all of the gathered signatures weren't finalized until about 10 days before the deadline came to turn them in. What else just isn't quite right?

As redistricting reform champions try to figure out their next steps, pension reform advocates are also wondering if their initiative is doomed. After the Illinois Supreme Court ruled that government retirees do not have to pay more for their state health insurance, many are saying this could spell bad news for the pension reform law passed in December.

from Chicago - The Huffington Post


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