Thursday, July 17, 2014

Top 10 Campaign Donors to Both Illinois Gubernatorial Candidates

Illinois gubernatorial elections are less than four months away, and the candidates' campaigns are starting to heat up. But to be able to get their messages out to voters, they'll need money -- and boy do they have a lot of it.

Gov. Pat Quinn and his Republican challenger Bruce Rauner filed their 2014 second quarter campaign finance reports July 15. In the time period from April 1 to June 30, Rauner raised a bit more money than Quinn, but Quinn did not spend as much, so he has more cash on hand. In total, Rauner has raised more than $25 million and Quinn has garnered more than $13 million.

Rauner's biggest donations have come mostly from individuals (including himself; he's his own top donor), while Quinn's come mostly from unions and political action committees. Check out the list of each candidates' top ten donors at Reboot Illinois to see who is supporting which candidate and with how much money.

While the race rages on at the state level, Chicago aldermen are facing a request from Mayor Rahm Emanuel to comply with "do-not-hire" lists (comprised of people who had to leave government due to suggestions of corruption). Some aldermen are finding this request a difficult pill to follow, though some are fully on board.

from Chicago - The Huffington Post


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