Wednesday, July 23, 2014

World's Most Badass Dancing Old Man Has Amazing Salsa Moves, Too

There's a video bouncing around the Internet of a dancing old man who throws his crutches aside to let his inner "so you think you can dance" shine through. Needless to say, it's amazing.

What you may have missed however, is a video of someone who appears to be this same adorable elderly man shaking his tail feather to a simple yet enthusiastic salsa routine.

In this brilliant video, apparently of another occasion (he's at least wearing a different outfit), he shares the company of a young woman who claps him through his seemingly impromptu act of self-expression. Go ahead sir, get your salsa on...

And if you missed the first dance, here it is in all its glory.

The unknown gentleman appears to be at some sort of social function, when he drops his canes and gets down like nobody is watching.

There's no denying that he's enjoying himself now is there? Now that, my friends, is the exact meaning of staying forever young!

from Chicago - The Huffington Post


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