Monday, November 3, 2014

They Hope You Won't Wake Up

Here's the bottom line. The Tea Party Republicans and their Big Business and Wall Street allies plan to grab what they want while ordinary people sleep through this election.

They want ordinary Americans to stay home on Election Day.

To them, high voter turnout is like daylight to a burglar -- or for that matter to a vampire. It stops them cold.

The corporate CEO's and Wall Street bankers together with Tea Party extremists control the Republican Party. They see this traditionally low-turnout mid-term election as the perfect opportunity to take over the United States Senate, Governors' mansions and State Houses with politicians who represent their interests.

They don't want Senators from Iowa, Louisiana, Georgia, Kentucky, North Carolina, Alaska, South Dakota or Michigan. They want Senators from the Koch Brothers and their corporate and Wall Street allies -- Senators who actually represent them and will do whatever they are told.

They want to know that when the chips are down they can count on government officials to continue rigging the economic game so they can continue to siphon off all of the economic growth for wealthiest one percent of the population.

That's why, at the beginning of this cycle, the Koch Brothers' network vowed to invest $300 million to smear Democratic candidates for office. That's why Wall Street has redirected most of its giving to the GOP. And that's why Republicans have spent the last two years passing laws to suppress voter turnout -- especially among African Americans and Hispanic voters.

In order to continue taking our money, they need to take our votes. Where they can, they've passed "voter ID" laws that disenfranchise hundred of thousands -- and impose what amounts to a poll tax -- allegedly to stop the non-existent problem of voter identity fraud. Where they can, they've curtailed early voting periods and access to mail ballots.

In Georgia, the Republican Secretary of State has gone so far as to refuse to process 40,000 new voter registrations.

The smaller the turnout, the better for the plutocrats who want to continue to have unfettered access to virtually all of the economic growth generated by the American economy -- just as they have for the last 30 years.

The fact is that over the last three decades our Gross Domestic Product per person has gone up by 80 percent. That means we all should be 80 percent better off than 30 years ago. But instead, wages have stagnated for most Americans because the rules of the game have allowed the CEO's and Wall Street speculators to take all of that growth in income for themselves. They want to keep it that way.

But that requires that ordinary people stay away from the polls, because when most Americans vote, the electorate represents the whole population of the United States. And the fact is that most Americans support a progressive program that would change all of that.

Bottom line: they want to steal your family's security while you sleep through the election.

There's only one problem with this strategy: you don't have to go along. Ordinary Americans can stop them by going to the polls.

It's really up to us.

If you don't have an ID, get one.

If they don't have enough voting machines, camp there. Stand in line as long as it takes.

In 2012, thousands of people stood in line for hours - even after Barack Obama was declared the winner for President - because they were unwilling to allow the Republicans to steal their votes. If necessary, join them and do the same.

Don't let them steal your vote.

Of course, in many places they can't try these kind of overt voter intimidation tactics. Instead, they try to lull ordinary people to sleep by trying to convince us that the elections don't matter anyway.

Tea Party extremists masquerade as moderates. Politicians who owe everything to rich plutocrats parade around in old cars and workshirts to look like they understand the "common man."

They come out with mushy position papers on issues that are overwhelmingly popular -- like raising the minimum wage. But they never mention that if you elect enough Republicans for them to control the House or Senate, the leadership in those bodies will simply refuse to call a minimum wage bill for a vote -- just like John Boehner did this year.

Want to pass immigration reform? Then get out and vote against Republicans, who blocked an up or down vote in the House on comprehensive immigration reform -- a bill that would have passed the House if the Republican leadership had simply called the bill to the floor.

Want to restore long-term unemployment compensation benefits? A bill passed the Senate that would have been signed by the president, but the House Republican leadership refused to call it for a vote.

Want to cut the cost of student loans? The Republican leadership in the House refused to take up the very popular measure sponsored in the Senate by Elizabeth Warren. If Mitch McConnell becomes Senate Majority Leader, the Senate won't call it for a vote either.

Want to stop cuts in Social Security and Medicare? The House Republicans passed a budget that would end the Medicare guarantee and replace it with vouchers for private insurance that would raise out-of-pocket costs for retirees by thousands of dollars.

Want tax policies that shift the burden from ordinary working people to the one percent that has received all of the benefits of our growing economy? It won't come from Republicans -- ever.

In fact, elections matter enormously to the economic well-being of every American. And no one's vote counts more than yours -- unless you don't vote. Because if you don't vote, everyone's vote counts more than yours. In political terms, if you don't vote, you don't count. And we know that if you're not at the table, you're on the menu.

If nothing else will convince you to vote, think about this. If millions of ordinary middle and working class Americans sit this election out and let the Koch Brothers of the world have their way, can't you just imagine how they will yuck it up over drinks in their exclusive private clubs, or onboard their private jets?

They have no respect for working people -- or the value of hard work. Many of them disdain ordinary working people. To them, it will just confirm their view that ordinary people can be sold a bill of goods if they just spend enough money and repeat enough lies.

In the end we will prove them dead wrong. The moral arc of the universe does in fact bend toward justice. But don't give them the satisfaction -- even for a few fleeting months at the end of 2014 -- to think that their money can buy our democracy and there is nothing we are willing to do about it.


Robert Creamer is a long-time political organizer and strategist, and author of the book: Stand Up Straight: How Progressives Can Win, available on He is a partner in Democracy Partners and a Senior Strategist for Americans United for Change. Follow him on Twitter @rb

from Chicago - The Huffington Post


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