Friday, January 16, 2015

Illinois lawyer to Gov. Rauner: Cut waste in prisons

One southern Illinois lawyer, Joni Beth Bailey, has a message for the new governor as he looks to take the state in a new direction. She appreciates Gov. Bruce Rauner's plan so far, but wants to suggest how he can effect change in a particular area.

Dear Gov. Rauner:

I have voted for more Democrats than Republicans since I started voting, but I'm beginning to think my friend, Dan Bost, Congressman Bost's brother, was correct years ago when he told me I was an "R" and just didn't realize it.

I appreciate many things about your first few days in office:

Yes, everyone is going to have to sacrifice to pull off this enormous turn around.

Yes, it's going to take time. Create reasonable expectations.

Yes, it starts with morals and ethics. The lobbyist revolving door is a revolting practice and clearly an invitation to unethical behavior. I applaud your approach....

I am emailing you with an observation about a tremendously wasteful practice that will not be pointed out to you by employees of the Department of Corrections because so many jobs (and so much overtime pay) depend on it:

Why are prisoners escorted hours away for hearings on procedural matters that take only a few minutes instead of using video teleconferencing?

Read the rest of Bailey's message to Rauner at Reboot Illinois.

Speaking of the Department of Corrections, Scott Reeder of the Illinois News Network, has a take on the re-hiring of DoC policy advisor Xadrian McCraven. McCraven got his $111,000 job back after being fired from the Doc and the Department of Children and Family Services and a long arrest record. Get the scoop about McCraven's situation from Reeder at Reboot Illinois.

NEXT ARTICLE: Illinois prison worker reinstated after firing, even with his own long arrest record


from Chicago - The Huffington Post


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