Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Summit Still Going Strong

It has been a great privilege blogging with you each day from our CSH Summit: Supportive Housing Innovations in Chicago.

Today is the last day of the Summit, but the pace has not slowed one bit. After breakfast and morning networking, participants are engaged in more important breakout sessions covering topics likely to guide us and define the future direction of supportive housing:

  • Health System Payers and Supportive Housing

  • Innovations in Family Supportive Housing

  • Expanding the Field of Supportive Housing

  • Connecting Jail Frequent Users to Supportive Housing

  • Reinvesting Public Funds for Supportive Housing/ Driving Down the Cost and Capturing Savings

During our closing lunch this afternoon, federal partners from the White House, US Department of Housing and Urban Development, and the US Interagency Council on Homelessness will discuss what's next for supportive housing from their perspectives, providing insights and divulging their priorities as they continue to embrace our work to help transform the lives of vulnerable individuals and families.

I look forward to providing a complete recap of the Summit, including some of our major findings, within the next couple of days.

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from Chicago - The Huffington Post

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