Wednesday, June 25, 2014

27 (More) Photographers You Need To Follow On Instagram Right Now

Earlier this year we gave you a list of 27 highly talented photographers who make your Instagram feeds look like cave art. That compendium of jaw-dropping artists only scratched the surface of smartphone beauty, so we've gone back into the depths of social media and put together another round-up of truly beautiful Instagram photography. Behold, 27 more people you need to follow right now.

1. Vivien Wei Wei Liu: Making Hong Kong look as hypnotic as ever.

2. Oveck: A darkly surreal take on Instagram.

3. Kat Irlin: Warning -- you will fall in love with NYC.

4. Roy Potterill: Stylized travel photography abounds.

5. Jeanette Hägglund: For your fix of angular architecture.

6. Janske: From fruit to birds, the images here are as dreamy as they get.

7. Brock Davis: Photographing beauty with a sense of humor.

8. Marta: There are a fair amount of luxurious cats on this feed.

9. Michael O'Neal: Filled with stunning street photography.

10. Dirk Dallas: If you can't get your road trip in this summer, check out Dirk's feed.

11. Sarah Palmer: Where craft meets Instagram.

12. Pei Ketron: With over 800,000 followers, this one's a no-brainer.

13. Alice Gao: We love a woman with a soft spot for mundane organization and symmetry.

14. Theron Humphrey: Because this dog is a star.

15. Jared Chambers: Lots, and lots and lots and lots, of green spaces.

16. Jordi: A glimpse of monochromatic Barcelona.

17. Palomaparrot: For a taste of the whimsical daily happenings in Germany.

18. Levon Lock: All of his photos are taken on an iPhone, and it's sufficiently amazing.

19. Michael Christopher Brown: A look at the world through the eyes of a photojournalist.

20. Ofentse Mwase: To live vicariously through a South Africa native.

21. Gigi Stoll: Everything black-and-white.

22. Danny Last: We didn't know it was possible to make football (read: soccer) look this beautiful.

23. Brad Mennemeyer: A self-described "opportunist photographer," these are the landscapes that make you want to trek the globe.

24. Joe Greer: Think beautiful people in beautiful places.

25. Ravi Vora: For ethereal shots of Los Angeles and beyond.

26. Abbas W: "My photos are meant to show the beauty of our religion: Islam."

27. Scott Borrero: From a rising sun to a setting sun, this feed is full of light.

from Chicago - The Huffington Post


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